Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing #2

I think the the Web 2.0 technologies are great. I have looked at several technologies and I am working on how I can integrate them into my curriculum. Next year I want to see if I can use a Wiki instead of having my students write a traditional research paper. I've also used some of the 2.0 technologies in my personal education. I have a blog ( that I use for my cohort class. I also have an e-portfolio ( that shows all the work I have done towards my Masters degree so far. As a part of my curriculum we have our students create a portfolio. I am hoping that this year I can have them create one online as well as one they can hand to future employers. With technology becoming such a major factor in the job market I want my students to have something, they can show their potential employers, about their technology skills. Web 2.0 is what our World is coming to and it is important that we keep up with the changes.


  1. I wish I'd had an e-portfolio when I completed my Masters in Library Science! All that is locked on the drive of a defunct computer!

  2. I am glad we took that class earlier. I know what is going on. The websites were good to go look at and see what we had done.
